Wednesday, July 7, 2010


photo by me of me with Olympia by Manet
I cannot help but swoon over delicious quotes that I uncover while pouring over newspapers of the past. Though few may grasp it (which leads me to wonder how many did at the time of the publication...) I will share it anyway. The following is from a review on an exhibition in London by the Society of French Artists in The Times, April 27, 1874:
"Manet is a conspicuous representative of the school in figure painting.
In what his admirers, we suppose, would call simplicity and frankness,
he far out-Courbets Courbet."
Though I'm sure if one were to ask Courbet, nobody could out-Courbet him!


  1. hahah i hope someone out-magdalyns me one day. whatever that means!

  2. That's a fantastic quote. Fantastic.


Thanks for reading!